Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Camping Out

Now I really don't want anybody to get used to my blogging so frequently, BUT.......
Dad and Rose gave us a tent back in May or so, when they were cleaning out their storage room. Since we sold our travel trailer a few years ago, this is a wonderful addition for us! It's already been used by Richard and the boys for a campout, and now Josh has been camping out in our backyard.
Austin and Josh spent Tuesday night in the tent with all the comforts of home (well, almost.) They had cushy air mattresses, a television set and lamp....AND Austin brought his X-Box so they could play video games. I popped them some popcorn and took them some drinks and fruit snacks. I must say though, that I am a fraidy cat. I needed to leave the door unlocked into the house fo them and I was worried about the boys with NO protection, so I slept on the chair in the family room, with the window shades open so I could see them. I know Josh goes on campouts in the woods all the time without me, but it's a mom thing. I didn't sleep well at all (I kept checking on them), but it was a small sacrifice for my son to have wonderful summertime memories!
I unleashed a monster when I let him do it just one night, so it was hard to refuse him another night. This time we talked Jon into staying out with him (I told Jon he needed some bonding time with his little brother). Now tonight I can sleep in my own bed and I gave them a key to get in so I could lock the door. We plan on taking the tent to the Ward campout just before Debi and Melissa get here. Richard and I decided we could have our I scripture reading in "the tent". Jon refused to let me get his picture during scriptures so I got one of Josh. (The date is wrong on the picture it should be 08/01/07))


Kristie said...

How fun to camp out in the back yard!! It does sound like they have all the luxuries of home out there though!!!! What a fun summertime memories for the boys.

Debi said...

Imagine my boredom this morning when I pulled up the blogs and realized that Amanda had not posted anything yesterday OR today! Imagine my happy surprise when I clicked on Shelly's Blog....not expecting to see anything new....just wanting to gaze at that lovely picture of Joshua floating in his backyard pool....and finding not only a NEW post....but a whole new look!! I love your new background! Your posting about sleeping in the tent reminds me of the few times the boys slept out in the back yard. I had the exact same worries about someone "getting" them. Not only did I sleep with the door unlocked...I left the sliding door OPEN (screen closed). Of course, that affected the whole house because I had to turn the air conditioning off. Well, you see why sleeping in the tent was a RARE thing around here. I remember sleeping outside in the Shropshires back yard all the time as a girl, looking up at the stars at night. I just loved it. That's why I wanted the boys to sleep outside even though it scared me. Have a nice day sis. I'm going to finish off Melissa's quilt today and then WHO KNOWS? I'm free as a bird!!

Amanda said...

P would love to do that sometime:) He LOVED the father & son campout! He still talks about it months later:)

About the TP in the last post....I used to do that all the time with my friends of people we liked---just like Debi said. But no eggs! then they would get us back and I would have to clean up all that mess!

Jenny Jensen said...

I like the look mommy!

Shelly's Space said...

A fun memory from my childhood is when we would stay at Aunt Patty and Uncle Everett's and sleep in their tent trailer with Tanys, Sue and Sandy (our cousins). We had only flashlights, but we would play cards and run around the neighborhood at night. Those were the good old days when you could do that.
Amanda....We get TP'd frequently.... this is the 2nd time with eggs....the eggs REALLY bug me!! Jon has even had his friends come do his bedroom when he wasn't home (I'm all for fun) Forking is also a favorite thing to do aound here. Probably the most popular these days is writing on the car windows with the window paint. That was on a previous blog.

Jenny Jensen said...

mommy...i think you should always blog this much.