Thursday, April 09, 2009

What to Post???

Well, even Richard was telling me today he is sick of pulling up my blog with his surgery pictures! There is lots going on here, but I haven't really been in the mood to blog. But.....for the sake of saying something new, here goes.In February Josh performed an ensemble in the local Solo and Ensemble competition. It was his first time on the high school level. He plays french horn during concert band season. (mellophone during marching season)
It was very fun....a little nerve racking for sure, but fun none the less. Here is his group. The girl standing next to him is in our ward.
This is the best group picture. Josh was hamming it up in all the others. Silly boy!!
And of course, I've been busy buying clothes for Jon for his mission. I took this picture and sent it to him so he could see what he was getting. He will be home on Saturday and then we will rush around getting everything done before we leave on the 27th. I will definitley keep everyone up to date on all of our activities during the next few weeks.


Debi said...

Thanks for the new Post!! :) I enjoy seeing Josh all dressed up.... and those shirts look mighty spiffy! Soon Jon will be home and you'll be even more busy. I'm glad you're busy....I mean, you have only three kids, just think about those of us who have more....just know it's good for you!

Kristie said...

I enjoyed your new post!! I just loved band and playing at solo and ensemble. :) It looks like you are getting all ready for Jon to go on his mission!!!

Rene said...

I've been wondering how missionary prep. is going.
Josh looks great.. I love band. I think it's a great program for the schools. I hope we get to keep it with all of the budget cuts around here. That would be a big loss for us! Is that Louisa next to Josh?

Shelly's Space said...

Yes Rene, that is Louisa. She's grown into a beautiful young lady:)