Monday, September 03, 2007

Travel Log

Here are a few pictures we picked to show you that Debi and Melissa really ARE here..... Saturday was spent at Dad and Rose's house. Elizabeth, David and Henry came down from Seattle to visit. We all ate dinner together after putting together a new table and chair set for them. After dinner we all took turns mowing the front yard with their super fantastic lawn mower!
Sunday, after church, Mom and Bob, Ronnie (and his friend Tammy), and Aunt Ellouise all came over for dinner. Melissa played the piano and we all sang. It was a fun evening. Something funny happened at the dinner table. Debi was eating her applesauce (that she had put in a small serving dish). She was busy visiting and had put the bowl down. At the end of the meal she picked up the spoon and started eating the applesauce again. She wondered why she had so much applesauce in her bowl. She said, "This is a lot deeper bowl than I remembered." Then I looked at it and I realized she was eating out of the serving bowl instead of her own personal serving dish! It was a much bigger bowl. We all laughed so hard and Debi was so embarrassed, she crawled under the table!


Kristie said...

I am so glad to see pictures and to see thta Momma and Melissa are having a great time!!!! It looks like everyone is doing great! I can't wait to see Momma here in a little over a week!

Amanda said...

Looks like you were having lots of FUN!!!!! The Applesauce story sounds like something that would have happened to you:) Hee, Hee:)