Jesika called the house a bit later that day and asked me if she could come over when he wasn't there to give him her answer. She wrote her answer in Japanese on a big foam heart and decorated his bedroom door with it. It was fun!!
The big night was on Saturday. Jesika looked beautiful in her dress. She bought it during spring break in Orem when her family went to general conference. If you look close enough you can see Jon's beard. He actually shaved it off on Sunday morning, but had been growing it for about a month.
On their date they went to an italian restaurant and the dance was in Portland. Jesikas dress had a bustle for the train, but even with that he said he stepped on her dress alot........but he had a great time. This last picture was taken in Jesika's backyard with the other couple they went with.
How Fun!!! What a beautiful dress. I hope that Jon had a great time at prom.
Yes!! I kept checking for the PROM blog....How fun to see PROM from the boy perspective!! Jesika's idea to answer was so cute!! Also, it gave me an idea of what we could do to welcome new girls into Mia Maids... I've heard of a heart attack in the yard, but never on the outside of their bedroom door! That would be fun, yet not too invasive. Anyway, I'm glad Jon had a great time at prom. He looked very handsome. I'm going to click on the beard picture to check it out (I'm glad he shaved it off, though! Boys with beards---NOT!)
Well, I just checked out the doesn't look TOO bad, but I don't really like wiskers at all. Now either Jessika is a really short girl or she just needed to snag a pair of really high heels to make her dress not drag. I bet her mother didn't want to pay the $30. to have it hemmed like I had to pay...and I bet her mother paid more than $10. for that beautiful dress!! I LOVE the color!
Jesika is short, but the dress actually had a train AND a bustle. In the picture the train is show what it looks like. It definitley wasn't that her mother didn't want to pay to have it hemmed...her family travels all over the world. Her Dad is Bishop and has a business in Japan (that's why she knows Japanese) She had Japanese nannys when she was younger. I'm glad I blogged and got the ape off for you Debi!!
Yes, I am glad you got the ape off of there, too. Well, if I were rich enough to travel the world, I would have had that train or bustle fixed so the boy (my cute nephew!) wouldn't have had to worry about stepping on it! I really liked that last picture....a real action packed pose!! I DO love the color of that dress...Melissa can never wear that looks awful on her for some reason.
That is so he asked her, and how she answered:) I have never heard of making a big deal out of the asking and answering before...but it sounds fun!!!!
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