Sunday, June 10, 2007

And Finally....(scroll down 2 blogs to get started reading this)

The reason we went to the parade.......our Jon!! Evergreen won the Sweepstakes award for the best marching band as well as other awards. We were the only band that followed the theme of the parade. We were assigned to represent the 70's. Not only did our music reflect the 70's, but our colorguard were all dressed like we dressed back then...the hippie era. Even our band parents that followed behind the band were all in 70's attire. They called us the "groovy" Evergreen Marching Band. Winning Sweepstakes in the Grand Floral Parade is a big deal. There are bands from all over the west coast marching.

Here are the "troopers"...Josh and his friend Austin. We had to get up at 6:30 AM to get to Portland to get a good spot. People start marking off places along the parade route days before. The parade started at 10AM. We walked to Wendys for breakfast sandwiches after we got all settled in our spot. We got great spots right up front. We went with our friends The Cooks. Their son Jeff is also in band. At the time, sitting in the rain, it seemed like we would never want to do that again.....but we will, we always do........ Josh will be there the year after Jon leaves.


Kristie said...

How nice that Jon was right there on the end so that you could see him so well!!! That is great that their band won so many awards!!! I am glad that everyone had a good time.

Debi said...

Go-GROOVY-JON-GO!!! You can see that I minded your instructions and read the bottom blog answered my question about how early you had to get there. Have a nice day seester. When is the last day of school?

Shelly's Space said...

June 21st is the last day. All the schools graduate this week, but because we missed 5 days of school for snow we have to make it up. I have 8 work days left.....

Amanda said...

so weird that school is still going on there!!! What a great family tradition!

Jenny Jensen said...

aw, i love my little brothers!! You'll have to post about joshua's 13th birthday!!!!

Debi said...

Okay SIS, Since we are no longer e-mailing back and forth I am depending on your blog to tell me what's going on. You are sort of failing....Now that you are out of school, maybe we can have a few more posts...??