Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Grandma's Surprise!!

       Finding a surprise in my living room at 2:30 in the morning after arriving home from Texas was a WONDERFUL treat!!  Little Isaac and his mommy got to come to church with us that same day.
Grandpa got to play with this little guy a few days longer than I did.....
                     A sleepy grandma with a sleepy boy after a sleepless night. I LOVE snuggling!!
                                   What a cute face.....playing on the floor with Grandma's toys.
                                     Pacing the floor with uncle Josh....he LOVES uncle Josh!!
                                                                     Can't you tell?
                                                 Lookin in the morror....what do I see??? 
                                                             We just adore this face:)
                         Isaac and his mommy on Halloween in his costume. TRICK OR TREAT?????
                                  This is F-U-N  Grandma!!         We loved our matching colors...
                                                       Standing up was a favorite pastime......

Jenny finds it much easier to stand on a chair to hug her brother goodbye.......
                            Lifelong friends....born 3 weeks apart......Jessell and Jenny at the airport.
                   Jessell visited Jenny in the hospital when she was born....they don't remember it.....
                                                        Goodbye to my girl and her boy......
                                                              COME BACK SOON.....
                                                         and bring the rest of your family:)


Debi said...

I love all the pictures and I loved hearing about your big surprise! Isaac looks just like Jennifer. I hope you have gotten sleep by now..... :)

Debi said...

PS...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking that robot thing off of the comments....

Debi said...

I can see I'm your most popular blog watcher....:)