Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Memories here's the thing. I have always admired a beautifully decorated tree that looks like it came from the cover of a decorating know the ones they have at the festival of the trees that they auction off for charity. Well....this is OUR tree. We go each year and cut one down at Thorntons Tree Farm. Though I have always dreamed of having a perfectly coiffed tree....this tree is full of memories and love.We've done different things...beads, tinsel, garland....This year Josh wanted to put this gold ribbon on it. Now I want to share some of our dozens of ornaments that have special meaning to us...please indulge me for a moment as I go down memory lane.
This is from the year I was expecting Josh and we traveled to Texas to spend Christmas with my sister Debi and her family. Jenny got the chicken pox while we were there...for the 2nd time and we weren't sure we would be able to fly home on time. Jenny made this for us in 1st grade....sweet and toothless.
LaDena made us this one year along with a little stocking made of felt.
My friend Melanie made us quite a few of these needlepoint ornaments our first Christmas in 1983.
I got this from my Grandma Drew many years ago...I think she told me it was made by my Great Grandmother's 3 dimensional.
One year a sister in Relief Society made these for everyone...and she taught a class on how to make's a lightbulb!
I bought this at the National Archives in Washington DC when Josh marched in the Inaugural Parade.
We bought several ornaments on our Church history trip.....this one has the Nauvoo Temple on it.
Grandma Drew was famous for her snowflakes and other creations. We have ALOT of these on our tree and love thinking of her each time we put them on...she is missed!!
I was working in Josh's class the year he did this...I put the kits together.
Jon's in the 2nd or 3rd grade here. The pretzels are getting fragile.... we haven't eaten them yet!
Aunt Adele made this very fun Santa and suprised us with it one year....many years ago.

And what would our tree be without paper ornaments given to us by the grandkids...Maralee has grown alot since this was made!
Thanks for hanging (no pun intended) in there with me...STAY TUNED as I will post some more Christmas memories soon:)


Kristie said...

I loved seeing your Christmas ornaments! That is a big, beautiful tree that you have there!!! I love it!! I can't wait to see more of your Christmas memories!

Debi said...

Did you all go together to chop the tree down this year? You haven't mentioned it to me.... :) I love all your decorations! I remember when I loved all the decorations on my tree, too. Minds are such funny things.

Thompson Tales said...

Hey, I have some of the same ornaments, the pretzel one and light bulb one!!!! I love the memory ones!!!

Melissa said...

What a wonderful journey of Christmas ornaments! :) Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post!!! :) XOXOX!!! Also, Austin and I just got a wonderful Christmas card from you in the mail are the sweetest!!! Thank you so much for being the best aunt ever! :)