Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Parade and Proclamation

Seventy Six Trombones led the big parade.............
Well, maybe it was not TOO big, and there were only SOME trombones........today the city had a very short parade with OUR marching band as a send off to the Inuagural Parade. Grandma and Grandpa Cameron came. Richard was on the street cheering the kids on. I waited in the park with G&G for the band to arrive.
The kids started off from an elementary school down the road from this city park. They were escorted by a veterans colorguard and some vietnam veterans on their motorcycles. They marched into the park playing their song "Washington My Home" our state song.
There were dignitaries, speeches, free Krispy Kream donuts and an official proclamation declaring next Tuesday, Jan. 20th, Evergreen High School Marching Band and Colorguard Day. This is our director Mr. Kuske, thanking the city for the outpouring of support they have given us.
Cousin Jane was very sweet to come and support Joshua and the band. It had been a beautiful day, but by now it was getting quite chilly. We were all getting cold.....a small sacrifice:) The kids got back onto busses, and we headed back to the school, loaded up the equipment and our luggage (it's being driven by truck to save money).... then the kids ate pizza and MORE Krispy Creams!! We're flying out bright and early Saturday morning.
I'm so glad Josh will have this experience AND that I will experience it with him!!!


Rene said...

How exciting... we'll be looking for a full report when you get home. Have a GREAT TIME!!!

Debi said...

Hey, what a great blog post!! I know Josh will have a great trip! You guys have FUN!! I loved seeing the pictures of Mom and Bob and cousin Jane! I recognize the blanket mom is covering up with (I have one, too, I keep it in the car). Mom, Bob, and Jane, all look fantastic. Jane is blonde now, wow! I am going to have to write her an e-mail. :) Have fun on your trip Sister Sue.

Michelle said...

Very awesome Shelly! Have a fun time on your trip.

Kristie said...

That is so exciting!! I hope that you guys have a fun time on your trip too!! I also thought that it was great to see Grandma and Grandpa. Tell them Hi from me if you get a chance!!

Amanda said...

This is really really cool!!

Debi said...

Have fun on your big trip Sis!!