Saturday, January 17, 2009

We've Arrived!!

Well, it was a VERY long day. We flew from Portland to SanFrancisco where we had a long layover. Everywhere we went people were congratulating us and wishing us luck in the parade. Josh had a pretty hard time of it with his anxiety, but we got through it. On the second leg of our flight, we met an angel lady named Helen, who visited with Josh and she got the airlines to take Josh up in the cockpit and meet the captain before the flight. There was a delay while they took fuel off the plane, apparently it was too full.
We arrived in DC just before 10:00. We are now in our hotel, where they fed us pizza and got everyone settled.
Tomorrow is a busy day!!


Jenny Jensen said...

yay for mommy and bug!!! I'm sooooo excited for you guys. I'm glad you can blog!

Amanda said...

wow--GOOD LUCK! Sounds like the bad part is over:) My Mom told me her drill team got to march in Nixon's inaugural parade. But they all had to stay in a gym somewhere with hundreds of kids. SO you guys are lucky to be in a hotel:)

Debi said...

Glad you are safe and sound and didn't have to spend any time on the wing of an airplane or be rescued from a river. :) I can't wait to hear more details of you and Joshs' adventure!