This morning as Josh and I had prayer before he headed out the door I asked him if he was sad today....his very last day of high school. Then I proceeded to cry all through prayer and beyond.....through the morning....through the afternoon. It's been a busy month with end of year concerts....awards nights....grad night planning. I haven't had time to think to be sad. Our Ward youth were well represented at Senior awards night on Monday.
Lots of changes....Josh had his head shaved on Wednesday to raise money for cancer. He's not to keen on the new do, but it was for a good cause. He always claims he's not a redhead....couldn't prove it by this picture. Looks like red fuzz to me:)
And did I mention another change??? (now you know why I'm crying so much) Josh joined the United States Navy last month. He scored in the top one percent in the nation on the military ASFAB test. His plan has been to go into the nuclear program...but he may do informations systems technology... Either will be a good career.....he will get schooling while in the Navy and come out with money to finish his education.
It looks like he will be leaving in October to boot camp. For now both of the boys are home.....The fall will bring more tears I'm sure....but I'm just going to enjoy my family until then. Jenny and Logan will be here in 5 all will be well in my little world.
Aaaahh. I would cry too! Enjoy the summer with all your kiddos!
Yea! I love all the pictures of Joshua. Time has flown since the days he made tents out in the playroom and played the trip-trap 3billy goats gruff game at the park the last time you were here. Congratulations to Joshua on his graduation and Navy appointment! :)
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