Friday, April 13, 2012

It's About Time!!

On our trip to Utah over spring break Jenny and I walked to the park with the kids while the the men went to General Conference Priesthood meeting. It was a beautiful evening....Sadie had so much fun and so did Grandma!!She quickly made a little friend and had fun going down the slides.....

Jenny and Isaac got in on the fun...Isaac really liked swinging (well at least I can say he did...I think he was sleeping)

One night Logan looked behind the couch and there was Sadie sitting in a pot on the kitchen floor....I quickly handed him the camera so he could shoot this picture.

This was a recurring pose....Josh pacing the floor with Isaac...he had "the touch" at calming Isaac down.

Sadie loves shoes....especially uncle Josh's BIG ones.

Can you tell which ones are Sadies Mommy's shoes??

Stay tuned for more of our adventure....and the special blessing day of baby Isaac!

1 comment:

Debi said...

Yes, I'm glad you posted a new post! :) You had plenty of good material with Sadie and Isaac. :) I loved all the pictures. Post more....

This thing to prove you are not a robot is ridiculous. I have already tried it three times and it won't let me pass!