Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Jonathan

Today is a special day. Our boy is 20 years old!! He's had a wonderful life full of so many experiences. I remember the day well. Before he was born, we knew he was special. Of course ALL children are....
Often a quiet and sometimes somber child, he had a very sweet disposition. He loved trying new things.. soccer, baseball, karate, piano....but he always made good choices in what he did. He realized that he didn't have to do EVERYTHING to be happy. His first grade teacher asked me if he was real.... because he was so good!!He grew up to be a thoughtful friend, a respectful son, and a good listener with a wry sense of humor. He grew into being the natural born leader that he is a little at a time. One of my favorite memories of his growing up years was when we would read every night before bed....from the classics to Harry Potter, he never tired of listening to a good book. Even his senior year in high school he would come down and sit with Josh and I as I read to him.He grew up and went off to college. That helped me to get used to him being gone so that now I can be content with Monday letters and twice yearly phone calls.
He has a strong testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ and that His church has been restored upon the earth. He isn't ashamed to share it with others and is giving 2 years of his life to proclaim the gospel to the people in the Missouri St. Louis Mission. 2 years of a life is but a twinkling of and eye in The Lords time. He will come home full of knowledge and lifes experiences that will be with him for a lifetime. Happy Birthday Elder....We love you!!!


Debi said...

Happy Birthday Elder Egan!!! :) Jon is a special young man. We are all proud of him!!! :) (Shelly, that coming home picture of you is CRAZY!) :) At least it made me smile....

Shelly's Space said...

Yeah....pretty bad....and those GLASSES!!! What can I say??!! At least the kids are cute:)

Thompson Tales said...

Happy Birthday Jon!!! Loved your hair in that first picture!!! totally 80's!!!