Friday, March 28, 2008

Jon Testifies before the Washington State Senate

Jon has been a bit famous lately (at least at our house)
This picture has been in the newspaper and several other publications the past month. This article is on the opening page of the school district web page. Jon worked really hard to get this bill passed and I felt really bad that he was one of the only kids who didn't get to go to Olympia yesterday to attend the governors signature. He got a new job and of all things he had training on the very same day. But he was interviewed by YES TV (the educational channel here) the other day and his name has been in all the articles except this one. Everyone says I have such a handsome son.............I agree!!

Photo of the Week

Students from Evergreen High School testified in front of the state Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee

Students from Patti McMaster’s Advanced Placement (AP) Youth and Government class were recently informed that House Bill 2781 introduced by Rep. Deb Wallace, has unanimously passed both the state Senate and the House of Representatives and received concurrence from the House of Representatives for the amendment added by the Senate.

This bill is significant to these students because not only does the bill require school districts to incorporate information into curriculum dealing with 21st century politics, international trade and state constitution and policies, but students from McMasters class met with Wallace as she was she was writing the bill and four traveled to the state capitol to testify in front of the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee about the importance of the bill and the changes it entailed.

Senator Rosemary McAuliffe said “The students were so impressive that they received the full support of the Senate. They were the ones who made this happen.”

The entire class traveled to the state capitol to attend the signing of the bill on Thursday, March 27.


Jenny Jensen said...

Jon is SO AWESOME!! I'm glad I got to watch it online. He did awesome. I'm so glad you have a new computer and are back to blogging!! I went crazy knowing you couldn't see the blog, and it was funny, I thought to myself, "well then I'll just email her" but NO that wouldn't work since you didn't have a working computer. I was at a loss, especially when you were at work (that is usually the time I want to talk to you/think of something I want to tell you). YAY!

Amanda said...

I bet that was such an amazing experience for him!!!! WOW! He looks so professional:)

Kristie said...

How cool!!!! And very handsome! What a neat experience!

Debi said...

Jon looks so professional in his nice suit!! We are all proud of him!! I love the article, too. (I didn't even know your computer was broken~~:( I'll have to e-mail you to find out about it...) ok now, I'm going to try this work verification always takes me a couple of tries before I get it right