Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Saying Goodbye.....

This past week our family said goodbye to our dear sister, grandma, aunt and friend, Alvaretta.
For years she had struggled with various health problems but was always up for having fun. Having said goodbye herself to 2 children and her husband, I know she has had a glorious reunion with them.
No matter what the occasion Alvaretta and the girls were always together. This is the first separation the 5 sisters have ever had. They have been each others best friends. Richard is the little brother...and he has had some wonderful examples in his sisters. They have always been there for our kids...their band concerts, choir concerts, awards nights, marching band competitions, birthdays, name it...if we tell them, they are there. If they can can count on "the sisters".  I remember on one occasion, Alvaretta couldn't wait to be discharged from the hospital so she could attend the baptism of one of the great nieces up in Chehalis that very afternoon. We were all amazed, but she was there. 
Marilyn was asking everyone to write down some memories for her to share at the of the ones I thought of was when Jenny and Austin were about 4 years old.  Alvaretta appeared at our front door one morning around 5:30 or so with a bag and a little boy (Austin).  I was confused.  She said she had talked to me about watching him for the day....but it wasn't me she talked to...she had called someone in our ward thinking it was me and they had said yes. We didn't find this out until sometime later....I was happy to watch Austin...he and Jenny were best buds. We just got a laugh out of it!
Things are going to seem very different without our dear Alvaretta. Another memory I have is that she once sent us a rather large sum of money when Richard had been out of work for almost a year because of a back injury. When we got back on our feet we tried to repay her because by then it was she that needed the money.  She refused to take it and told us shame on us for depriving her of the blessings she recieved for helping us.
As many of us said during the days following her loss....we miss her.... but leave it to Alvaretta for reuniting so many family members following her passing. We all had a wonderful reunion.  LaDena flew in with Jenny and the kids and spent 5 days with us. Josh really loved having his big sisters with us.
He was a pall he is placing his bootineer on her casket. Didn't recognize him with his BLACK hair??
                               Ron brought mom...he and mom hadn't seen LaDena for many years.
As Josh said upon learning that Aunt Alvaretta wasn't expected to live...."Mom...not one of the sisters!"
Yes, she will be missed...I'm so glad we know where she is and that we will one day see her again.
Grateful for such sweet memories....


Debi said...

Very touching post, Shelly. I know how much you loved Alvaretta. I heard you speak kindly about her and all of the sister many times. I like seeing all the pictures of Richard's family. (also: glad you posted a picture of Josh and his black hair)

Kristie said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. It seems like she was a wonderful person. I did enjoy seeing all the pictures of everyone tbough.

Kristie said...

though, not tbough! Sorry for the typo!

Thompson Tales said...

I was so sad to hear of Alvarettas passing! I absolutely adored her! She surely will be missed!