Thursday, October 04, 2012

Changing Direction

Life seems to be in a constant state of changing direction. When we think we have things figured out....we turn another corner...and we find ourselves on another path. Josh was on his path to a career in the Navy and has been greatly disappointed to have to return home for medical reasons. We tell him to be strong and not let this setback bring him down, but of course they are only words and while well meaning, it doesn't take away the pain he is feeling.
We are grateful that once he got home after 2 weeks in SEPS (separation awaiting discharge) that his spirits are mostly good....
He knew that we loved him and that was a comfort.
We wanted coming home to be a good experience and so with his good friend Austin and his family we all went to the airport to welcome him home. Austins family made signs for him.
We all had pizza at the house and he regaled us with his "Boot Camp" stories. It was a good experience....we didn't want it to be sad... He is now changing direction...making plans to get a job and go to Clark College. He grew up alot while he was gone and those changes are for the better! Thank you to all our friends and family who are still there to love and support our boy...he truely feels it!


Debi said...

When life gives you lemons....make lemonade. :) Sounds like that's what is happening. I know that whatever Joshua decides to do, things will turn out fine.

Amanda said...

Sometimes life is just plain hard...isn't it. And challenges and trials are thrown our in overwhelming amounts! I am so glad to hear that he is in good spirits and has a plan to move forward. Good luck Josh in charting out a new path in your life.